Capitol Heights is rated as one of the best walkable communities in Montgomery Alabama
Leadership Academy Graduation
Capitol Heights Civic Asso., Inc. was represented at the Neighborhood Services Leadership Academy Graduation Celebration last night.
Graduates of the Academy were Paul Rawlinson President, Cynthia McCollister Treasurer, and Gene Gunter Vice President.
This year’s Annual Neighborhood Grant from Neighborhood Services was conducted differently than in the past by Director Jon Dow.
Instead of anyone attending various training classes for credits (10) to qualify for the Grant, this year’s training was in house from Neighborhood Services requiring the organizations officer’s minimum of (3) to attend every monthly Strategic Planning classes (8) and the information learned to be shared with the other directors of the organization, establishing goals for our organization other than our ongoing project we have voted on in year five.
Our grant submission for 2025 is for physical improvements category for up to $5,000.00 in grant money from Neighborhood Services for this year’s project.
The estimate from Gowan Iron included includes (7) vintage sign & poles on McKinley Avenues. These beautiful vintage poles with signage are a long- term project of Capitol Heights Civic Association, Inc. We have covered over half of the Capitol Heights community with these physical improvements at every intersection located with the street name or avenue sign pole.
The N.S. advisory committee will review submissions in January and Awards will be announced at the mayor’s banquet after that so stand by for further information from Neighborhood Services.
Happy Holidays,
2024 Neighborhood Survey
Capitol Heights Neighbors were asked to suggest 3 or more issues that most concerned them.
Capitol Heights has 21 respondents and 63 issues.
Survey was conducted by available email addresses. There were also in person interviews, phone conversations, and text message replies.
This report shows concerns from most to least popular.
Crime and Traffic
Cars in front yards & disabled cars on the street
Improve parks & sidewalk repairs
Air B&B concerns
Trash cans left out
Business recruitment
Quarterly meetings
Consensus of neighbors
Rundown homes & homeless
More Events
Raising money & dues
Protect residential zoning & expand historic districts
Communication with neighbors & government Children & Schools
Issues | Concerns | % |
Crime & Traffic | 15 | 27% |
Rundown Homes | 11 | 20% |
Events | 8 | 13% |
Raising Money | 8 | 13% |
Zoning H.D. | 5 | 8% |
Communication | 4 | 6% |
Children & Schools | 3 | 5% |
Cars Parking | 2 | 3% |
Improve Parks Sidewalks | 2 | 3% |
Air B&B | 1 | 2% |
Trash Cans | 1 | 2% |
Business Recruitment | 1 | 2% |
Quarterly Meetings | 1 | 2% |
Conceneses of Neighbors | 1 | 2% |
a mission statement documented in our Articles of Incorporation. We elect 4 Officers and up to
7 Members at large every year as a Board of Directors. Information is available on the website. Membership page.
Our work is to defend and improve our community within our mission statement guidelines.
We are not a Homeowner’s Association that collects yearly fees from its residents, but rather
offers a membership fee of $10.00 as a volunteer of a general membership to support the
actions of the association. We also rely on public and government donations to provide important
projects for the Capitol Heights community as a Civic Association. Some of the concerns from the Survey would not apply to our mission statement as it
relates to a homeowner’s property. We provide a service for the Capitol Heights community
as a whole and usually involves a benefit to the City of Montgomery. Projects we are
currently working on would be in line with the Annual Grant requirements of
Neighborhood Services in the Physical Improvements categories.
Thank you for participating in the survey. We are please with the results and will study each
concern submitted.

See your pictures on the Gallery Page!
Beautification Sign & Post Project Yancey Avenue
If you notice something beautiful on the corner you live on it is the work of the Capitol Heights Civic Association, Inc. This is what we were able to do for our 2023 grant made available from the City of Montgomery Neighborhood Services Annual Grant available to qualifying neighborhoods. There is a lot of training requirements from our association and the application is made by our association. CHCA, Inc. is responsible for the upkeep of these signs poles and it they are knocked down from traffic accidents it is our association that has to supply a replacement pole or repair the damaged pole with the city providing the street signs and traffic directions of each corner that we vote to add to our project.
It is truly a love of our community by those on the Board of Directors and General Membership of the Capitol Heights Civic Association that fuels this project. We have installed over 30 of these beautiful vintage poles with signage around the entire business and residential border of Capitol Heights and Avenues South of Madison Avenue and North of Madison Avenue on St. Charles, Winona Avenue, and for 2023 we have started on Yancey Avenue. We have applied for another grant for continuation of the project heading North to McKinley Avenue for the 2024 Annual grant time period. I hope the project will continue until we have completed every intersection in Capitol Heights with some architecturally correct Vintage posts. All of these improvements to the community are designed exclusively for us by Gowan Iron the designer that worked with the City of Montgomery for the design standards, fabrication here in Montgomery. Using a local business is important to the leadership of CHCA so we support local creation and labor by local business where possible.