2009 May 5th HDIC Meeting Notes
Historic Designation Investigative Committee
Meeting Notes & Tasks Assigned
May 5, 2009
GOAL: Strategize on the best way to accomplish HD for all of Capitol Heights.
Task: Plot the original CH plats provided by Christy on the large scale map of CH.
Assigned to: Cynthia McCollister
Needed by: 05/14/09
Task: Print large scale map showing current Historic Designations.
Assigned to: Christy Anderson
Needed by: 05/07/09
Task: HD Committee to review maps after plotting and hopefully make a recommendation as to boundaries.
Assigned to: Committee
Needed by: 05/14/09
GOAL: Determine a high level plan to accomplish the HD.
Determine boundaries for HD
Education / Buy-in
Develop methods for educating the neighborhood and earning further buy-in from the neighborhood. Mailings, news articles, web site, events, etc.
Complete (physical) surveys.
Prepare required survey form for each house to be included.
Take photos of each house to be included.
Organize survey documentation.
Complete supporting (historical) documentation.
General Preservation Plan (approx. 1 page).
Justification for boundaries selected.
Any other documentation required.
Submit to Historic Preservation Commission.
Obtain approval.
City sends letters to parcels owners for their agreement (or disagreement).
City provides notice to association of parcel owners not responding.
Organize method of approach for obtaining remaining signature needed. Consider for example: (1) First pass (soft sell) workers gather the signatures they can. Second pass, assuming we’ve not met our quota needed, (hard sell) workers gather additional signatures needed. (2) Organize a neighborhood signature party – free food – prizes for attending.
Obtain signatures of agreement – need 60% (minimum).
Historic Commission nominates to City Council
Council approves.
GOAL: Define resources needed to accomplish the HD.
Volunteers, volunteers and more volunteers!
Vendors for hire, if not too costly, to complete portions of the surveys.
Students (for hire?) from local colleges – Architectural Organization / Clubs
Volunteers to gather signatures
Buy-in from neighbors
Funds for photo copies and other reproduction costs
Funds for educational mailing(s)
Funds for neighborhood education/buy-in/signing event(s)
GOAL: Decide whether or not we recommend CHCA to proceed with this project.
Not enough info to decide just yet.
Task: Contact two vendors to obtain rough estimates for completing physical surveys.
Assigned to: Christy Anderson
Needed by: 05/13/09
Task: Summarize tonight’s meeting and share a planning document with group.
Assigned to: Cynthia McCollister
Needed by: 05/08/09
Task: Snail mail these notes & print of Christy’s original presentation to Paul Rawlinson.
Assigned to: Cynthia McCollister
Needed by: 05/08/09